If you have transcriptions from Decatur County Georgia Cemeteries and
are willing to contribute them, please contact the county coordinator.
Most of these cemetery transcriptions were completed back in the 1950s by Mr. Eustus
Howard Hayes. In addition to the information on the tombstones, Mr. Hayes made notes beside
some if not most of the names. Some of this information that he has provided would not be
found on a headstone, but is invaluable to researchers.
Jonas Lobe, this is only a partial photographing of the stones in this cemetery. If anyone can provide a complete transcription of this cemetery, I would appreciate it. I have had knee surgery and I just can't get out and walk these cemeteries as I would like to.
Oak City A 2003 Edition of the interments in Oak City Cemetery is available for $12.50, which includes shipping, by writing to Decatur County Genealogical Society P. O. Box 7492 Bainbridge, GA 39818.
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