Decatur County Military Records
Have you or are you willing to transcribe Decatur County Military Records. Please send it to me typed in text or MSWord .doc format and I will be happy to post it here.
World War II
The National Archives has two series of books for casualties of WWII. Digital copies of
the pages of these books are available at the National Archives Web Site (see links below).
The World War II Honor List of Dead and Missing lists only Army and Army Air Force
personnel casualties. Names are listed by the home address (state and county) given by
the individual at enlistment.
- The State Summary of War Casualties lists casualties of only those on active duty
in the U.S. Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard and deaths that resulted directly from
enemy action in war zones during the war. Names are listed by state determined solely by
the next of kin at the time of notification.
I haven't yet transcribed the Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard list but I have
transcribed the Decatur County Army and Air Force list.
Korea War
Georgia alphabetical list from the National Archives web site, including all U.S. military
personnel who died from hostile action (including missing and captured) in the Korean War,
1950-1957. The state index page can be found
Vietnam Conflict
Georgia alphabetical list from the National Archives web site, including all U.S. military
personnel who died (including missing and captured declared dead) as a result of the Vietnam
conflict, 1957-1995, deaths as of November 1997. The state index page can be found here.
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