Link to Current Obituaries at Ivy and Cox Funeral Homes in Bainbridge, Click Here

USGenweb Archived Obituaries for Decatur County A-D
USGenweb Archived Obituaries for Decatur County D-H
USGenweb Archived Obituaries for Decatur County I-M
USGenweb Archived Obituaries for Decatur County N-Z

Miscellaneous 2006 Obits, from the Bainbridge Post Searchlight

Obituaries Published in
Decatur Co., Newspapers

These obituaries were donated by Janet Sumner. Thanks, Janet!



Obituaries Published in the
Bainbridge Post-Searchlight

Thus far, over 1,100 obituaries in this collection. They are listed in Alphabetical order by surname.

Please send in your ancestor or relative's obituary. Due to space limitations, I need them typed rather than the scanned image, please. The obituary records on this site now in graphic format have been provided by Decatur County researchers prior to 2004.

Ida Kirkland Boyce and Brenda King McNair are responsible for these obituaries. Thank you both!

All have appeared in the Bainbridge Post-Searchlight. This site (Decatur Co., GAGenWeb) has been given permission by the Bainbridge Post-Searchlight
to post and provide on-line Obituaries that appear in their paper.

The Bainbridge Post-Searchlight retains all copyrights.

Only through their generosity do these obituaries appear on these pages. If you receive the Bainbridge Post-Searchlight and would be willing to help provide on-line obituaries,
please contact me for information.


Listing by Surname

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N 

 O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z

Decatur County GAGenWeb
GAGenWeb USGenWeb
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