Decatur County Wills

Do you have the Will probated in Decatur County
Please send it to me typed in text or MSWord .doc format and I will be happy to post it here.

Will Listings

Name Recorder/Submitter

W. B. Brock

Janet Sumner

Mary Lou Mathis Clinard

David Clinard

Thomas Jefferson Dollar

Janet Sumner

Mathew Harrison

Wanda Metcalf Mills

Shadrack J. Long

Wanda Metcalf Mills

Harmon Mock

Ida Boyce

Raymond F. Powell

Karen Newell Eitel

Nancy Sloan

Frank Sloan

William M. C. Yates

Ida Boyce

© Copyright 2008 Decatur County Coordinator
Denise Smiley

Decatur County GAGenWeb
GAGenWeb USGenWeb
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