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The Decatur County GAGenWeb pages are dedicated to the memory of Mr. Eustus Howard Hayes. Mr. Hayes spent many years researching and compiling information on records that pertain to the people of Decatur County and the surrounding area. Due to his tireless effort, a great deal of the information that you will find contained and provided within the Decatur County site is the result of his years of research. All of his work is noted.
Mr. Hayes compiled this information and placed it on microfilm. This microfilm is available at the GA State Archives for your viewing.
Lillie Hayes, the Widow of Eustus Howard Hayes has given her permission for his research to be provided and placed on-line for all Decatur County researchers. Without her permission these valuable pages would not be possible.
From the bottom of my heart, I want to say "Thank You!" to Mrs. Hayes for allowing her husband's work to be placed on-line for our use.

Clare Herrick, the prior County Coordinator for all the hard work and dedication to Decatur Co. GAGenWeb, a special thanks goes to her.

Ida Kirkland Boyce, for all the transcripts and records that she has provided to Decatur County.

Gail Rich Nestor, Brenda King McNair, Mary Berryman, Jan Smith, Alwilter T. Wilson, Janet Sumner, Donna Eldridge, Hugh Rodgers and Debra Boswell for all the transcripts and records that they have provided to this Decatur County website.




© Copyright 2008 Decatur County Coordinator
Denise Smiley

Decatur County GAGenWeb
GAGenWeb USGenWeb
All materials contained on these pages are furnished for the free use of those engaged researching their family origins. Any commercial use,or, other electronic posting of any file or pages without the consent of the host or author of these pages is prohibited. All images used on these pages were obtained from sources permitting free distribution, or generated by the author, and are subject to the same restrictions and permissions. All persons contributing material for posting on these pages does so in recognition of their free, non-commercial distribution, and further, is responsible to assure that no copyright is violated by their submission.