Miscellaneous Links

If you know of pertinent links or have something that just might fit here, please send them to me for inclusion. Denise Smiley

Georgia Historical Markers

 Tips for Finding Out A Maiden Name

 List of Old Occupations

 Diaster's in GA's Courthouses
Good Listing of when Fires and such destroyed records.

 Different Types of Evidence and Sources

Abbreviations Used in Genealogy

My Cousin, My Self


Available Census Records in GA

Cornell University has put the entire
"War of the Rebellion" on the internet
60 volumes!!!!!

Click Here to Check it Out!

Tombstone Symbols, Fraternal Acronyms
& Initials of Fraternal Organizations:

Click Here!

Calvary Assembly of God Church Minutes
1943 to 1950


© Copyright 2008 Decatur County Coordinator
Denise Smiley

Decatur County GAGenWeb
GAGenWeb USGenWeb
All materials contained on these pages are furnished for the free use of those engaged researching their family origins. Any commercial use,or, other electronic posting of any file or pages without the consent of the host or author of these pages is prohibited. All images used on these pages were obtained from sources permitting free distribution, or generated by the author, and are subject to the same restrictions and permissions. All persons contributing material for posting on these pages does so in recognition of their free, non-commercial distribution, and further, is responsible to assure that no copyright is violated by their submission.