Decatur County Published Material

This page is intended to provide a one-stop viewing of materials published that contains genealogical information for Decatur Co., GA. If you know of other materials not included here, please email the necessary information, and include "Decatur Co., Published Materials" in the subject line of your message to

Denise Smiley.

Books with Decatur Co., Information

Past and Present 1823 - 1991

It was published by the Decatur County Historical Society in 1991, for $35.00 plus sales tax of $2.10 (GA Residents Only) and $4.00 handling it can be ordered from the
Decatur County Historical Society
P.O. Box 682
Bainbridge, GA 31717
Not only does it contain information on families but has old family pictures and pictures of the downtown area of Bainbridge in the early years.

History of Decatur County
by Frank S. Jones

This book contains Civil War information
including muster rolls of Decatur County.

If you have any further information about this book, please email me, so that a complete description can be available. ***

© Copyright 2008 Decatur County Coordinator
Denise Smiley

Decatur County GAGenWeb
GAGenWeb USGenWeb
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