This site is available for adoption, if you are interested, please let us know!

Jeff Davis County was created in 1905 from parts of Appling and Coffee counties. Georgia's 140th county was named for Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederacy. Davis had served as the U.S. Secretary of War prior to the Civil War. 

Hazlehurst was named for Colonel George Hazlehurst, a civil engineer who surveyed the Macon & Brunswick Railroad. In August of 1995, Hazlehurst celebrated its "Censilver," 150 years of existence.

The Altamaha River is formed from the merger of the Oconee and Ocmulgee rivers just northwest of Jeff Davis County. This is the largest free-flowing stream in Georgia and a haven for sports enthusiasts. Some of the largest largemouth bass in Georgia are found in these rivers. At least ten fishing tournaments are held in the county every year.

The tobacco crop was very important in the early history of Jeff Davis County, and the Hazlehurst Tobacco Market was one of Georgia's strongest.

Jeff Davis County shares the Bullard Creek Wildlife Management Area, totaling 16,000 acres, with Bacon County.

There are many festivals and special events in the county including the Pilot's Club Antique Car and Truck Show, the Annual Cotton Arts and Crafts Harvest Festival, Annual Christmas Parade and the 1890 Homestead Celebration.


Please share any historical or genealogical information pertaining to Jeff Davis County.  We welcome all to join in! Contact me, Trish Elliott-Kashima, temporary county coordinator


Records on this site pertaining to Jeff Davis County:






Cemetery Records




Family Group Sheets


History and Communities





New - Site moved April 2018


Newspaper abstracts








Vitals: Births, Marriages, Deaths


If you have records, transcriptions, bios etc to share on this site contact me

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Excellent Research Links


The Vanishing Georgia Photographic Collection of over 18,000 images is the result of a Georgia Archives project begun in the mid-1970s to locate and copy historically significant photographs held by individuals throughout Georgia. Vanishing Georgia's historical photographs document the economic, social, cultural, and political history of the state. The project visited 66 counties and includes images from almost all of Georgia's counties including Jeff Davis County. Be sure to visit this excellent site! 


The National Register of Historic Places Jeff Davis County Inventory page contains interesting information about historic sites in Jeff Davis County. 


The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Family History Library Catalog Jeff Davis County listings gives detailed information on what is available pertaining to Jeff Davis County. 


The Civil War Soldiers and Sailors System is an excellent resource from the US National Park Service. This system includes a computerized database containing basic facts about servicemen who served during the Civil War. The database currently contains approximately 2.7 million soldier names from over 30 states and territories. 


Documenting the American South is an electronic collection sponsored by the Academic Affairs Library at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. It provides access to digitized primary materials that offer Southern perspectives on American history and culture. It supplies teachers, students, and researchers at every educational level with a wide array of titles they can use for reference, studying, teaching, and research. 


Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet: US - Georgia, contains an abundance of excellent links to various internet sites dealing with Georgia genealogy and history. 


The Online Books Page History: United States (Regional), and the Americas Section, contains links to scores of valuable 19th century and earlier regional histories, biographies and other works. 


Making of America, (MoA) is a digital library of primary sources in American social history from the antebellum period through reconstruction. The collection is particularly strong in the subject areas of education, psychology, American history, sociology, religion, and science and technology. The collection currently contains approximately 8,500 books and 50,000 journal articles with 19th century imprints. 


Looking for a location in Jeff Davis County? If so try the USGS GNIS database. Contains information on locations cemeteries, creeks, post offices and much more! 


Be sure to visit the GaGenWeb Jeff Davis County Archives!


Looking for the Jeff Davis County Mailing list link? If so try the Ga Mailing lists. Contains information on subscribing, unsubscribing, archives and much more! 


Queries? Go to this link.


Looking for the link for Jeff Davis County? If so, try the site Online access to Georgia government and much more! 


 African Ancestored Genealogy Links


African American Cemeteries Online
Cyndi's List: African-American African-American History
Freedmans Bureau Marriages
The USGenWeb African American Griots Project

Tom Blake's slave data

Amistead Research Center


American Civil War Research Links 


The Civil War History Center
Georgia Confederate Regimental Links
Union Regimental Links
Civil War in the American South;

Douglas Families of Georgia Website


Adjacent Counties










Our State Coordinator is Linda Blum-Barton

Our Assistant State Coordinator is Trish Elliott-Kashima

Our Regional Assistant is Dan Clark




This site is available for adoption, if you are interested,

please let us know!


Thanks to Earl Scott Chambers for his work on this

site over the years.

Copyright 1999-present The GAGenWeb

Project Team

This page was last updated on -08/05/2019

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