Newspaper Abstracts

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Feb 17, 1908, Macon Telegraph, page 2:

Jeff Davis County Candidates and Primary. Hazlehurst GA.  The Democratic executive committee of Jeff Davis County met at the courthouse Friday and elected Hon

F J Ellis, chairman; F R Moore, secretary and L D Stone treasurer.  April 15 is the date fixed for the primary.  Much interest is being shown already by the friends of the

various candidates.  Hon L W Johnson, present Representative is being opposed by Hon J M Denton.  Henry Cook, president Ordinary, is yet unoposed, so is A J

Herrington, present clerk of the Superior Court.  W H Ellis and W H Morgan are opposing each other for the office of Sheriff.  The race for County Treasurer promises

to be spirited as there are four candidates in the field and others spoken of.  Those who have announced are D J Williams, J W Varn, I O'Quinn and T J Brown.  Gideon

Yawn is the only aspirant as yet for the office of tax receiver.  Mr L W Spell, W T Parrish and Jack Yarborough are opposing each other for the office of Tax Collector. 

The special educational train of the State Agricultural College on its arrival here was met by a large crowd of representative citizens.  Among those present from the

country were Hon L W Johnson, Col J M Denton, J L Herrington and T J Ellis.  A number of short, though interesting talks were made by President A M Soule of the

 State Agricultural College, Commissioner of Agriculture Hudson, Prof Reed and Hon John W Bennett.  The exhibit car was viewed by a large concourse of people and

 pronounced superb.  After spending an hour and a half pleasantly the train pulled out for Baxley.



August 24, 1914, Columbus Ledger, page 9:

Delegates are named in Jeff Davis County, Hazelhurst GA.  The Jeff Davis County democratic executive committee appointed James E Grant and A P Harrington as

delegates to the state convention at Macon and J D Pittman and J R Willis as alternates with instructions to vote for the candidates receiving the highest votes in Jeff Davis

County.  The delegates were selected from the friends and supporters of Randolph Anderson as he carried this county by a good majority.



Sept 10, 1918, Macon Telegraph, page 11:

Jeff Davis Doctor called. Hazlehurst. Dr W M Girtman, who has been examining physician for the Jeff County exemption board has been commissioned as a first lieutenant

 in the Medical Reserve Corps and has reported to Camp Greenleaf for duty.  Dr G C Overstreet has been appointed to fill the vacancy on the Jeff David County board. 

Mrs Girtman and her mother Mrs Reese will join Lieutenant Girtman shortly.

Jeff Davis Oil Tract brings Owner $50,000.  Dublin GA. A citizen of this county, Mr I E Thigpen, has just purchased 3,400 acres of oil land in Jeff Davis County near

Hazelhurst, and secured a tract upon which drilling is now in progress.  He paid for the tract $50,000.  This is said to be the most promising oil field in the State and the

purchase of this large tract has awakened interest in this county in the field.  Mr Thigpen expects to subdivide the tract and sell it later on.

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